Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Valedictory Lecture

Valedictory Lecture
John Donald Robb Composers' Symposium
University of New Mexico
March 23, 2012
Intro to Part I

I am a creative person. And because of that everything I do is connected. There has never been, for me, any distinction between art and life. I live my life and living it is making art.

I want to thank Karola and Peter for inviting me to give this talk. They have organized the daytime activities of this year's symposium and in the past, when I was organizing them, UNM faculty never gave talks. Just guests. So now that I've retired and am a guest I give a talk. And I appreciate the opportunity.

I'll read this lecture as I usually do and have organized it in three parts. The first and last I wrote in Pennsylvania before I left, leaving the middle to write, through inspiration, here in New Mexico. This mirrors what happened when I wrote my first fully-notated piece, between 1995 and 2000, the outer two parts were written in Germany, the middle in New Mexico. That piece, "a little light, in great darkness" is on the CD (Devisadero, Navona Recordings) I gave you earlier.

Part I

After a long night, collapsing into bed at 8:30 PM ON A FRIDAY (which never happens even at my age) due to a week of constant frustration putting the final program together for this very symposium, I began to dream. Can't repeat all of them but there were two important ones: UNM German professor Katja Schroeter, with whom I studied German for many years, walking along with me, on the UNM campus, as I'm headed for my Korean class (which I actually take at the University of Pennsylvania International House), I ask her what she's doing at the moment, recommending instead that I just skip the Korean class and we go drink some beers and catch up. Naturally this is all happening in German.  And this is an example of nostalgia. Looking back. I'm not going to do that in this talk. In the second dream, I am waiting to give a talk, traveling constantly, don't even know where I am when asked: I say "Los Angeles," the person next to me corrects: "Denver." I'm rifling through my notes, there's not much paper and it's not empty, I'm writing over printed paper, thinking that my talk shouldn't be written anyway but that's just an excuse. I don't have much time, and all of a sudden I realize I don't need the paper, which has everything scribbled on it, completely disorganized, even as I write down the one thing I need to know. And doing that on one of those sheets of completely full paper, the pen writing not in black ink but in white shaving cream, can't even fit it on the bottom and thus writing around to the side (like I'm sure you've also done), the words: "cohesion and difference." Not separate but together: "cohesion and difference." As if that were the whole thing that matters. At this point, I awoke from my dream.

Well, cohesion and difference are important, in my opinion, when making art of any kind and today, at the beginning of a symposium for composers, it might seem that this is what I plan to talk about. But no, that too, is nostalgia. What I remember instead from when I woke up is that such dichotomies are necessary, for me at least, to make a path on which I can walk. And I've walked that path. But now, as a simple introduction to what I want to say, a discussion of my recent work, without nostalgia, all I can say is that I felt that a young composer in my time needed to find their own way by the usual method of killing the father, I'm still quite Freudian, and in the late 1980s, when I began composing, that father was not who everyone thought he was, be that Schoenberg or Stravinsky, neoclassicism or serialism, or the current (at that time) minimalism and complexity. For me that father was experimentalism and its "fathers" were Charles Ives and John Cage.  The results of that was a book (Silencing the Sounded Self: John Cage and the American Experimental Tradition, Northeastern University Press, 1998) that compared and contrasted the experimentalism of them both, using the terms control for Charles Ives and co-existence for John Cage.  John Cage had come to New Mexico for this very symposium in 1988, at my invitation, and I had prepared an evening-long performance of all periods of Cage's music. At that time, Cage was still quite famous, but he was not considered all that compositionally relevant anymore, especially not in the United States. In fact, when I prepared to write my dissertation on Cage in the early 1990s, only two people had written recent dissertations on Cage and both were in music theory.  The results of my study found that experimentalism (then a period of music in which I was an active participant and not a style like today) was not so together as everyone thought. In fact, when James Tenney heard about my dissertation, as we were driving back to Albuquerque from something we had both attended in Santa Fe, he said "why would you separate the tradition? Isn't it already isolated enough?" Well I separated it because it had divisions within it--that's all. But, and so this doesn't go on too long, it was through what Cage said, indirectly, about co-existence, which has a long history in Asian thought and is certainly how Cage learned about it and I through him, regarding intention and non-intention, that led me to that place: when one is intentional there is no room for non-intention, but non-intention is so open it even includes the intentional.  Cage himself, as my book proves, needed to be intentional to create something he regarded as fully non-intentional.  That was how I "killed the father." But of course the father, dead or not, remains within you doesn't he? For us physically it's in the DNA, and for us artistically it's in the memory.  And what I carry within me, and which will be part of my presentation to you today, is co-existence. In my creative work, I seek not to control my materials but co-exist with them, listen to them, let them (in many instances) tell me what to do, not vice-versa. And this is still a pretty radical way to work. It is also (I think) Cage's greatest legacy to composition, not chance and not indeterminacy--these are compositional tools anyone can use, regardless of personal orientation.  It is Cage's compositional attitude that I share and that is a desire to not completely control and instead co-exist with your compositional materials. And, for that matter, with the rest of the world!

Part II

At this point, I'm in the middle part of the talk, writing atop of a mesa (Tsankawi) in the Bandelier National Monument wilderness area.  Much of it was destroyed by a fire last summer. 

 Funny that the middle of the piece I earlier mentioned, "a little light," was also written in a fire devastated place, Lama, just north of Taos, where I was first inspired to write the kind of music that followed for eight years after, all written in the New Mexico wilderness.

Now I write in Pennsylvania woods and Korean mountains and that's the topic of what comes next: a piece I wrote for gayageums, a Korean instrument similar to a zither, close to a Japanese koto if you know that, now re-written for string quartet, and which will be premiered next Monday night in Keller Hall by the Del Sol string quartet. It's hard to imagine that piece sitting here with 360 degrees of space all around me and not a cloud in the sky. This piece Circlings is connected to feelings of enclosure not openness, not one circle (like the prayer circle I saw at Bandelier last weekend), but many circles. Where the text that accompanies my piece states "in the woods, all directions seem the right ones." Getting lost in other words. In the New Mexico wilderness you get lost too, I did rather frequently and sometimes on purpose. But in the mountains you still have up and down, the sun ever-present gives you north, south, east and west most of the time. In the woods these circles that inform my piece, moving forward--with time of course--what option is there? But in what direction? And how do you know? What is the natural road map when the sun is obscured and the trail goes around and around, a flat surface, where repetition is only noticeable if you've paid careful attention to your surroundings and even then, what if the distinctions themselves are repeated as they sometimes are?

The east coast seems so safe and civilized in wealthy parts of its cities and suburbs. But in the Pennsylvania wilderness, and those thick dark woods, getting lost is something you don't encourage, and when it happens there are different dangers than snakes, bears, mountain lions, elk, steep mountain climbs, dangerous winds: all those things you learn to accept in the New Mexico wilderness--all seem safer and more approachably open than the darkness of circling walks in the Pennsylvania woods. So that's one aspect of Circlings for me.

The other, more positive (thank goodness), is its overt influence: Korean culture and the natural landscape it is rooted within. As you probably know, Korea is an extraordinarily beautiful peninsula dotted with mountains just about everywhere you turn. And Koreans share a similar love of nature to what I experienced in Germany. One side effect being that in the wilderness you are almost never alone like I was when I wrote this in Tsankawi. So one noticeable thing that changes with Circlings is my intentional mingling of nature and culture in the electronic part of the piece. The source material of that is primarily made up of field recordings on long mountain walks in Korea. You hear insects, electronically altered and not, water altered and not, and the sound of two Buddhist chants, one male and one female, that I recorded in temples I found deep in the mountains of Seoraksan and the Gyeryong mountains near Daejeong.  Below are photos of those temples.


And Gyeryongsan:

The other sounds are Korean instruments, the gayageum itself, paired with a temple block I purchased at one of the temples similar to what they use while chanting.  As I say I recorded these sounds in Korea, in the summer of 2009, and then the following fall, with the help of my friend and fellow composer Thomas DeLio, we created the electronic parts interspersed with by "silences" I recorded at Pulpit Rock, on the Appalachian Trail in Pennsylvania, for an installation I made with my wife, the visual artist Hee Sook Kim, in 2007 titled Encounter. It was the installation piece for that year's composers' symposium. Here is a photo of me at Pulpit Rock around the time of those recordings:

The video for Circlings was filmed in the mountains of Korea, also by Hee Sook Kim, during the same walks where I recorded the sounds. So that's what's happening with the electronics. What about the instrumental writing? Well, first I knew nothing about the gayageum, a fantastic instrument that can do many, many things and with a long tradition in Korean musical history. I made contact, through my friend Hyo-shin Na, a Korean born American composer who I met through the Del Sol String Quartet who played her music at the same 2007 symposium I just mentioned. And it was her who asked me to write a piece for gayageum quartet which was later premiered at a festival of Korean art and music co-directed by Hyo-shin Na and Hee Sook Kim at Haverford College (October 2010) where Hee Sook teaches printmaking. Hyo-shin gave my name to the Cultural Ministry in the Korean government and they sent me hundreds of CDs and DVDs of Korean music--an extraordinary and overwhelming collection of which I've still barely scratched the surface. In the meantime I was a scholarship recipient for a workshop at the National Gugak Center in Seoul (Gugak is the Korean word for native folk music), where I studied gayageum, danso flute, folk singing and dancing, and Korean Changgo, the first drum I had played in more than a decade and the instrument that returned me to once again being a performing percussionist. So I'm very partial to this drum!

Anyway this was all after I'd written the piece, and in fact my having written the piece, as an indication of my interest in Korean music, is probably what got me the full scholarship to study there.  So what did I do then, while writing a piece for an instrument I didn't know, from a musical culture I knew very little about?  I returned to my experimental background and treated the gayageum, not as a cultural marker, which it so obviously is, and instead wrote for it as a sound generating instrument.  Finding my way to that place took a long time, but after that things moved more quickly, with the piece (so atypical for me) actually completed in time for its premiere in October 2010.  So quickly a sketch of the form of the electronic part of the piece. There are fourteen tracks, four which are silences of the same length, the rest sounds as described previously. 

And it is at this point that my long-term interest in pop music as a material generating source comes into play.  The CD I gave you has lots of pop music references--sounds that I love, isolated and recontextualized in ways that are not likely hearable but important to me as material. Content in other words. But form had always been another matter that had been more experimentally derived in a way better associated with modernist ways of thinking about form and structure.

But I already had a structure remember? The sounds and silences of the electronic part. So I could either choose to ignore that structure and have the two co-exist--that's what Hee Sook did with the video, in fact it is how we always work together, a kind of Cage/Cunningham relation of independent connection between sight and sound. Or I could use the form of the electronic part as a template and write short modules that correspond in time with the sections of the recorded sounds.  I chose the latter and here's one score example (Circlings, like all of my music, is published by American Composers Edition): 

Anyone that knows me knows that I love Brian Wilson's music and think he is one of the greatest composers of the 20th century. I know pretty much everything there is to know about his music and I've studied it like a scholar; taught it in class. Basically I have internalized it to the point that where the influence leaves off and my creativity begins would be difficult to say. Except I was definitely not thinking about him when I wrote Circlings! Instead I was thinking about this while trying to write my string quartet--writing short modules of sound like Wilson did when he wrote Good Vibrations and began working on Smile.

I was using texts from the Jefferson Airplane's Volunteers album, John Lennon's Revolution--political work from the late 60s influencing me in a time of alarmingly reactionary conservatism in this country. Thinking revolutionary thoughts.

But it wasn't working. A frustrating time and time was running out.

Then the original Smile sessions came out and it was possible to hear what Wilson was trying to do with his great lost unfinished masterpiece. Not only lost in terms of it not being finished. HE was lost. He COULDN'T finish. You can hear that all the way through the Smile sessions, especially now that we know from the 2004 completion of it, what he finally had in mind and what took him so long.  One of the best module-type pieces on Smile is Cabin Essence, which I'll play for you now.

After studying the Smile session CDs I realized that I'd already written my "module" piece, I'd already written my string quartet. Except it was for Korean strings not European ones.

Thus began the process (a quite simple one actually) of translating from gayageum to violins, viola and cello. What I especially like about my new way of composing is that I can finish unfinished things. My Waldmusik--unfinished but one part (for two pianos) can be seen on YouTube (links below):

Here's the first movement:

Here's the second and third:

This video is a performance by Scott Ney and Tzu-feng Liu from last year's symposium; my concert length Preludes and Miniatures for solo piano, part of which can be heard on my website (Four Romantic Miniatures performed by Falko Steinbach):

Another part is Devisadero, the title track of my Navona recordings CD (you can find a live recording by Curt Cacioppo, for whom it was written, here):

And finally how I am now writing Circlings--also unfinished and being written in parallel, with instruments from my native cultural background and instruments from my wife's native cultural background--a collaboration that continues, for electronics (audio and video) and instruments, Asian and European, a never ending place of creativity which can be heard in part even as I continue to search for its completed whole. 

Here's a link to the completed string quartet (including a recording of its premiere by the Del Sol String Quartet) with video by Hee Sook Kim:

And now to conclude:

Part III

I said I wouldn’t be nostalgic, but as you can tell from my presentation, sometimes nostalgia can itself be material. I certainly feel that way about Brian Wilson’s final work Smile and how that can be useful in the present and that, in a sense, isn’t nostalgic at all. As my brother once said about his own art, pretty much at the beginning of his career, and it’s such a strong statement he continues to use it: 

The realization that something has been is also the realization that something might be.”

That's a more idealistic statement than I would make, he's still an idealist after all, but I do think like Gertrude Stein did that although the materials themselves are constant, their composition, through the inventive activity of a creative artist can still be "made new."

And I'm intentionally using not just "old" material, but material that on the surface can be heard as anachronistic (if you want to make a valueless judgment) or even reactionary (if you want to connect the material to some ideological construct as so often happens nowadays) and, to be sure, my use, for example, of tonality in the music I wrote over the last fifteen years was not made in some naive place, walking around alone in the desert and listening to the Muses who then told me what to write. I knew what I was doing, began using tonality as material for a reason, and I am just as concerned now as I was then in trying to resist the placement of what I do stylistically which I think is the best way to find success and, at the same time, the surest way to be sure that success will be shortlived. When I started composing notated music in the mid-90s, I knew that Neue Musik and its progeny in the complexity composers and New Music with its successors in minimalism was dead. That's the only time Claus-Steffen Mahnkopf and I have ever agreed on anything. He heard that in Darmstadt in the early 90s and I heard that in, of all places, Akron Ohio at around the same time. New Music as a musical period is over and still being discovered in its fullness, at least I've noticed that to be true where I live now on the East Coast. Neue Musik still exists as a style with lots of practitioners, some of them interesting some not.  And I still like the music anyone writes in this style better than most of the possible alternatives available today.

Well in closing I want to be truly nostalgic, going way way back, to when I was in high school and thought I was going to be the next Jackson Browne. In fact, back then I knew I wasn’t good enough to another Paul Simon, but did think I was better than Jackson Browne. Oh the vanity of youth! Anyway, I didn’t write classical music as a kid, I listened to it a bit, I remember in particular listening to the 2nd piano concerto of Brahms on my car’s 8 track stereo (that was a trip), but my goals were simple. I was going to go to college and learn how to write my songs down on paper so that, like Paul Simon, I could be my own publisher and not have to share my millions with some corporation like the Beatles did.  I always used to tell my students that I would have been a songwriter if I hadn’t in retrospect been such a bad one. But of course as a Distinguished Professor I could never actually demonstrate that, way too embarrassing, and besides I couldn’t have found those old sheets of paper with lyrics (all bad) and chord symbols written on top anyway, packed away as they were somewhere in my office, not even seen since I arrived at UNM as a 22 year old in 1980.

Well, when I moved from my office to where I live now, I found a battered yellow envelope with this written on it: “Bad Lyrics and Songs from H.S.” And now I’m going to prove to everyone, right here, how bad they really were.

Now why would I embarrass myself like that, sharing such a bad song, in front of all of you? To make a point that some of my former students may remember my telling them, but never demonstrating. Being in school is the best time to make as many mistakes as possible, and you never get another chance to be a student composer so make them all, take all the chances you want, what are you worried about--a bad grade? As a composer? What a ridiculous idea! Especially since we all know the best composers never went to school anyway so already we are at a disadvantage. So at least use that disadvantage to get all the crap out of the way as soon as possible. To be honest this is what I’m learning now that I’m finally out of school, having never left one from the time I was four until fifty four, is that school is the place where you take risks, find yourself, don’t worry about consequences (within reason, or maybe not even that) and if there is any proof I can offer it is that awful song, which I thought was so great when I was sixteen, and how crucial that time was for me, to make that music, to pour my soul into its awfulness, and get it out let it exist and then reflecting back to its existence realize that it has no reason to exist other than as an example of its awfulness—to me and maybe to you—as a way of showing that nostalgia and looking back really is what the Bible says it is, with Lot’s wife looking back and becoming a pillar of salt, and yet its lessons are necessary, that’s what school is about after all, looking back so you don’t make the same mistakes everyone else (even you) made, and so in closing I invite you to write all the awful music necessary in order to get it out of your system as soon as possible and maybe, with any luck, you’ll be able to leave school much sooner than I did, now finally and truly a college graduate at the age of fifty-four.

Shultis Composers' Symposium Lecture Sources

Christopher Shultis.  Silencing the Sounded Self: John Cage and the American Experimental Tradition (1998)

Beach Boys: The Smile Sessions Box Set (2011)

Gertrude Stein. "Composition as Explanation" from Selected Writings.

Claus-Steffen Mahnkopf. "Die Neue Musik ist tot, schon lange ..." in "Komplexismus und der Paradigmenwechsel in der Musik. " MusikTexte 35 (1990) pp.20-28.

Christopher Shultis. Waldmusik (2009), part one and two:

Tsankawi, White Rock NM:

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